Approaching your

Making the transition from growing your retirement savings to drawing from them.

Getting ready for retirement

As you get close to retirement, there are several steps you need to take to be fully prepared. This is where a comprehensive retirement plan comes into play; it outlines which income sources to draw from first to provide an ample and steady, tax-efficient income.

Understand your sources of retirement income

We outline all income sources and their value, including CPP/QPP, OAS, company pensions, RRSPs, TFSAs and other investments.

How CPP/QPP and OAS work

We advise you on the best time to start drawing CPP/QPP and OAS, to help minimize taxes and maximize your income.

Your retirement income withdrawal strategy

We develop a withdrawal strategy for investments, pensions and savings to provide the most tax-efficient, consistent income.

You’ll need to replace your paycheque when you retire

iProfile Enhanced Monthly Income Portfolios are designed to preserve and grow your money, and provide predictable, tax-efficient income. 

Be better prepared for the transition into retirement 

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Want a real retirement plan?

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