
Protecting your privacy

IG Wealth Management (Investors Group Inc. and its subsidiaries) is committed to protecting the privacy of all personal information of clients that we collect and maintain in the course of carrying on our business. IG Wealth Management has a Chief Privacy Officer who is responsible for overall privacy governance. This privacy notice describes how we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information when we do business with you. This notice is provided in compliance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canada) and, where applicable, similar provincial privacy legislation. Please contact us through one of the means listed at the end of this notice if you have any questions.


a) Client File and Personal Information:

The personal information collected about you for the purposes identified in this notice is held in our records and may be referred to as your “client file”. The personal information in your client file may include your name, address and telephone number, social insurance number, birth date, account holdings, and the name, address and social insurance number of your spouse and any beneficiaries. Depending on the investment products or service you request, additional personal information may be held in your client file. For example, if you have established a pre-authorized payment plan, your financial institution account number is also held in your client file.


b) Providing Your Information to IG Wealth Management:

When you complete an application form or otherwise open an account with IG Wealth Management, you are providing personal information to IG Wealth Management, including, where applicable, personal information concerning your spouse and beneficiary, in order to:

  • make an investment or obtain a service;
  • provide instructions to IG Wealth Management about an investment you have already made or services you already have; and/or
  • receive information related to an investment you have made or services you have.

IG Wealth Management collects this personal information, holds it in your client file, uses it, and, when needed, discloses it for the purposes identified in this notice.


c) Collecting, Holding, Using, and Disclosing Personal Information in Your Client File:

IG Wealth Management and its Consultants may collect, hold, and use the personal information in your client file, as well as collect personal information from and disclose personal information to its affiliates, its Consultants, a government authority or a self regulatory organization and to its service providers and suppliers, for the following purposes:

  • to identify you;
  • to comply with legal, security, processing, and regulatory requirements, such as obtaining social insurance numbers as required by the Income Tax Act;
  • to protect against error and fraud;
  • to ensure that investments you make are suitable;
  • to provide ongoing service to you; and
  • to offer you products and services to meet your needs.

d) Third Parties and Service Providers:

IG Wealth Management may collect your personal information for the purposes identified in this notice from third parties such as other dealers, financial institutions with whom you have or have had dealings, credit bureaus, reporting agencies and from third parties who represent that they have the right to disclose the information.

IG Wealth Management may transfer your personal information for the purposes identified in this notice to its service providers and suppliers, such as for account statement preparation and mailing, document imaging, and document storage. When Investors Group transfers personal information to its service providers or suppliers, we ensure by contractual means that the transferred personal information is used only for the purposes for which the service provider or supplier is retained. In the event our service providers or suppliers are located outside of Canada, the service providers or suppliers will be bound by, and personal information may be disclosed in accordance with, the laws of the jurisdiction in which the service providers or suppliers are located.

IG Wealth Management may disclose your personal information to third parties where required by law, such as disclosure for tax purposes to the Canada Revenue Agency, or for the purposes identified above.


e) IG Wealth Management subsidiaries and affiliates:

IG Wealth Management may disclose your personal information for the purposes identified above to affiliated companies. Members of the IG Wealth Management family of companies include Investors Group Inc., Investors Group Financial Services Inc., Investors Group Trust Co. Ltd., Investors Group Securities Inc., I.G. Investment Management, Ltd., I.G. Insurance Services Inc. and any affiliate or successor company to each of them. The IG Wealth Management family of companies is also affiliated with Mackenzie Financial Corporation, Investment Planning Counsel Inc., Great-West Lifeco Inc. and their respective subsidiary corporations.


f) Withdrawing Your Consent:

Information sharing for the purposes identified above is a necessary part of our business and is required in order to make our products or services available to you and to service your account. If you wish to withdraw your consent to this information sharing or discuss the implications of such a withdrawal, please contact us through one of the means listed at the end of this notice. Note: If you withdraw your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your information, then IG Wealth Management may be unable to maintain your account or continue its relationship with you.


g) Using Your Social Insurance Number:

IG Wealth Management is required by law to use your social insurance number when submitting tax reports to the Canada Revenue Agency and may provide it to third parties engaged to provide income tax reports. In addition, we may use your social insurance number to identify you where you have chosen to provide it to us for that purpose.


h) Employees and Agents Who Have Access to Your Client File:

IG Wealth Management employees, Consultants and agents may have access to your client file provided they have a specific need to know in connection with the purposes identified in this notice. Access is permitted only to the extent necessary for such purposes.


i) Location of Your Client File:

Your client file is kept in electronic and/or paper format primarily at the IG Wealth Management Head Office in Winnipeg, Manitoba (or its Quebec General Office in Montreal, Quebec), although portions of it may also be kept at the at the office of your Consultant. A copy of your client file may be transferred to another location for disaster recovery purposes.

j) Telephone Calls:

We may record your telephone calls with our representatives, and we may monitor live or recorded calls for quality assurance and training purposes, and to confirm our discussions with you.

k) Right to Access and Rectify Personal Information:

Under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canada) and, where applicable, similar provincial privacy legislation, you are entitled through a written request to a copy of the personal information contained in your client file. You may verify this personal information and request that any inaccurate information be corrected. Please contact us through one of the means listed at the end of this notice for any such requests. 


l) Changes to Your Personal Information:

Please inform IG Wealth Management promptly of any change in your personal information by contacting your Consultant or us through one of the means listed at the end of this notice.


m) Resolving your questions and concerns:

If you have any questions or concerns about the treatment of your personal information please take the following steps:

  • Step 1. Your question or concern may be resolved by contacting us as follows: 
    Phone: 1-888-746-6344 (toll-free) / 1-800-661-4578 (in Quebec) 
    Fax: 1-866-202-1923

  • Step 2. If speaking with us does not resolve your question or concern, you may contact the Chief Privacy Officer as follows: 
    Fax: 1-204-949-9594
    Mail: Chief Privacy Officer, IG Wealth Management, 447 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 3H5

  • Step 3: For more information about privacy, or if after contacting the Chief Privacy Officer your concern has not been resolved, you may contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada or the Office of your provincial Privacy Commissioner if you are resident in Quebec, Alberta, or British Columbia as follows:
    • Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
    • Commission d’accès à l’information du Québec
    • Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta
    • Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia



Corporate Compliance Department:

447 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 3H5

For more information about privacy, you may contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada or the Office of your provincial Privacy Commissioner if you are resident in Quebec, Alberta, or British Columbia as follows:

  • Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
  • Commission d’accès à l’information du Québec
  • Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta
  • Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia