Our global asset manager partners

IG Wealth Management exclusively partners with asset managers who are signatories to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and share our commitment to sustainable investing through ESG integration, active ownerships and collaboration efforts.

ESG integration

When deciding whether to buy or sell a company, our asset managers will consider material ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) factors along with traditional financial analysis. 

Active ownership

As active owners, our asset managers meet regularly with companies’ senior management and board of directors to address many financial and non-financial themes. Material ESG issues are an important part of these discussions. Investment teams promote good ESG company behaviours through active ownership activities, namely engagement and proxy voting.

Collaboration efforts

The United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) is a global organization of over 3,000 investment companies committed to encouraging and supporting responsible investing practices in the investment industry. As part of being a PRI signatory, IG Wealth Management has an annual obligation to report our sustainable investing approach and efforts in a publicly available PRI transparency report. 

Sustainable investing client webinar:

Driving positive change in portfolios and the world

At this webinar, our expert panel discusses how sustainable investing strategies that integrate ESG factors help drive positive change in client portfolios and the world around us.


Keeping score with ESG

Learn how credit research is a cornerstone of PIMCOs active management process and ESG factors are an integrated component. 

Can ESG drive positive change?

Learn how PIMCO employs active ownership as part of their ESG processes to help identify and successfully engage with companies. 

Collaboration in action

Learn why Fidelity supports the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).